December 06, 2017

Jazz Bands and MRI Scans: How brains are creative

Have you ever wondered what’s going on in a musician’s head while they improvise? In our latest episode, Dr. Charles Limb gives us a window to peer into the process of creativity as it happens: scanning the brains of jazz musicians and rappers as they improvise. Tune in to learn what brain processes allow creative thought, why creativity matters, and whether or not you might compose the next great rock ballad.

Hosted by Ramie Fathy
Produced by Anna Lipkin and Ramie Fathy
Editing by the CTOR Team

"Maggot Brian" by Funkadelic
"Stormy Blues" by Arne Bang Huseby
"nostalgia of an ex-gangsta rapper" by deef
and original improvisations/compositions by Michael Bruschi