In part 1, we talk with Katie Pollard, a UCSF professor who studies the microbiome. Katie explains the current state of microbiome research and how critical her work is to forming appropriate conclusions about
the relationship between our microbial ecosystem and disease.
In part 2, we take a plunge into a man's toilet bowl! (Not-so-average) Joe Hiatt shares an audio diary of his experiences with two extreme diets and the changes he sees in his microbiome. Join him as he chronicles both his bathroom habits along with his microbial diversity.
Click here for more information about the Pollard lab.
Click here to visit uBiome's company website.
Produced by Lynn Wang, Lay Kodama, Ryan Jones, Kathleen Molnar
Produced by Lynn Wang, Lay Kodama, Ryan Jones, Kathleen Molnar
With Editing help from Meryl Horn, and Nick Weiler.
Cover art from the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah, http://learn.genetics.utah.edu